Thunderbird700MHz & Duron600MHz ベンチマーク結果(少しだけ)

M/B MSI K7T PRO(MS-6330) VIA KT133
Memory 128MB PC100 CL=2 MICRON
VIDEO Canopus SPECTRA 8400
P/S Enhance



SUPER PAI 100万桁 3:04

SUPER PAI 100万桁 3:33

coretest/99  Performance Test Results
vxd version=0200
System Name: k7tb700
Date,Time: 06/25/2000, 00:24:58
       read   write    move [MB/s]
4k    1327.3  2620.4  1978.0
16k   1333.2  2658.4  1996.5
64k   1302.4  2662.7  1990.8
128k  1163.2  1701.8   913.6
256k   801.2  1003.0   652.8
512k   288.5   262.4   204.6
1M     287.1   262.8   201.4
2M     286.4   263.3   202.8
4M     288.4   265.2   201.9
8M     291.4   264.8   202.0

CPU clock 700.0 [MHz]

coretest/99  Performance Test Results
vxd version=0200
System Name: duron600
Date,Time: 06/25/2000, 00:58:24
       read   write    move [MB/s]
4k    1137.7  2246.0  1695.6
16k   1142.7  2278.6  1711.3
64k   1127.4  2282.3  1656.5
128k   886.3  1373.9   717.0
256k   267.8   260.6   206.7
512k   266.9   262.4   207.5
1M     266.3   254.1   197.5
2M     266.0   254.8   195.7
4M     266.3   255.3   194.5
8M     267.6   251.4   189.5

CPU clock 600.0 [MHz]


Description:    My Project
3DMark Version: 335
Install ID:     0x9A139BF9
Registration Key:       
Registration Name:      
Registered:     No

Type:   Internal
Width:  1024
Height: 768
Depth:  16-Bit
Buffering:      Triple
Z-Buffering:    16-Bit
Refresh Rate:   VSync Off
Texture Format: 16-Bit

Continuous Benchmark:   No
Show Title Screens:     Yes
Benchmark Run Count:    1
Continuous Demo Mode:   No
Sounds Enabled: Yes
CPU Optimization:       D3D Hardware T&L

Platform:       Internal
3DMark Result:  5285    3D marks
CPU Speed:      292     CPU 3D marks
Game 1 - Helicopter - Low Detail:       109.6   FPS
Game 1 - Helicopter - Medium Detail:    75.1    FPS
Game 1 - Helicopter - High Detail:      31.2    FPS
Game 2 - Adventure - Low Detail:        124.5   FPS
Game 2 - Adventure - Medium Detail:     63.2    FPS
Game 2 - Adventure - High Detail:       36.9    FPS
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing):   560.1   MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing):    1156.4  MTexels/s
High Polygon Count (1 Light):   5928    KTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (4 Lights):  5280    KTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (8 Lights):  2864    KTriangles/s
8MB Texture Rendering Speed:    411.7   FPS
16MB Texture Rendering Speed:   328.7   FPS
32MB Texture Renderin

g Speed:        178.1   FPS
64MB Texture Rendering Speed:   75.9    FPS
Bump Mapping (Emboss, 3-pass):  210.7   FPS
Bump Mapping (Emboss, 2-pass):  278.6   FPS
Bump Mapping (Emboss, 1-pass):  465.6   FPS
Bump Mapping (Environment):     Not supported   FPS

Software Versions:
Windows Version Windows 4 A , Build 2222
DirectX Version
Bios Version    Not available
Bios Date       Not available

Total Physical Memory   127MB
Free Physical Memory    9MB

CPU Information:
Processor Type  AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
Processor Speed 700MHz
Processor Caps  Enhanced 3DNow!/MMX

Cache Memory:
L1 Cache Size   128KB
L2 Cache Size   256KB

2D Display Adapter:
Name    Canopus SPECTRA 8400
Driver Date     5-16-2000

Name    プラグ アンド プレイ モニタ
Driver Date     5- 5-1999

Desktop Size and Color Depth:
Width   1024
Height  768
Color Depth     16 bit

Name    Canopus SPECTRA 8400
Driver Name     TTGDD32.dll
Driver Version (Certified)
Total Video Memory      32474KB
Total Texture Memory    88282KB
Minimum Texture Resolution      1 * 1
Maximum Texture Resolution      2048 * 2048
Maximum Texture Blending Stages 8
Maximum Texture Coordinates     8
Bus     AGP
Manufacturer Identifier 0x000010DE
Chipset Type    0x00000150
Subsystem Identifier    0x1010114B
Chipset Revision Level  0x000000A3

Supported features:
Transformation and lighting in hardware Yes
16-Bit Rendering        Yes
24-Bit Rendering        No
32-Bit Rendering        Yes
Textures In Single Pass 2
Driver can disable VSync by software request    Yes
Edge Antialiasing       No
Subpixel Accuracy       Yes
Point Sampling  Yes
Point Sampling With Mip-Mapping Yes
Bilinear Filtering      Yes
Bilinear Filtering With Mip-Mapping     Yes
Trilinear Filtering     Yes
Anisotropic Filtering   Yes
Specular Gouraud        Yes
Vertex Fog      Yes
Range Fog       Yes
Table Fog       Yes
W-Fog   Yes
Alpha Blending  Yes
Vertex Alpha Blending   Yes
Vertex And Texture Alpha Blending       Yes
Additive Alpha Blending Yes

cative Alpha Blending   Yes
S3 Texture Compression  Yes
DX6 Bump Mapping        No

DirectDraw flags 1      0x94C27FE3
DirectDraw flags 2      0x004A7E7D
Texture operations      0x009FFFFF
Stencil-buffer operations       0x000000FF
Miscellaneous capabilities      0x00000072
Raster capabilities     0x003761A1
Z-comparison capabilities       0x000000FF
Alpha-test-comparison capabilities      0x000000FF
Source-blending capabilities    0x00001FFF
Destination-blending capabilities       0x00001FFF
Shading capabilities    0x000C528F
Texture capabilities    0x00000C0F
Texture-filtering capabilities  0x0703073F
Texture-blending capabilities   0x000000FF
Texture-addressing capabilities 0x00000017

Z-Buffer formats        16-Bit Z-Buffer, 24-Bit Z-Buffer, 32-Bit Z-Buffer (8-Bit Stencil)
8-Bit Texture formats   N/A
15-Bit Texture formats  15-bit, 555 RGB
16-Bit Texture formats  16-bit, 5551 RGBA, 16-bit, 4444 RGBA, 16-bit, 565 RGB
24-Bit Texture formats  24-bit, 888 RGB
32-Bit Texture formats  32-bit, 8888 RGBA
Display modes   320 * 200, 8 bit, 320 * 240, 8 bit, 400 * 300, 8 bit, 480 * 360, 8 bit, 512 * 384, 8 bit, 640 * 400, 8 bit, 640 * 480, 8 bit, 800 * 600, 8 bit, 960 * 720, 8 bit, 1024 * 768, 8 bit, 1152 * 864, 8 bit, 1280 * 960, 8 bit, 1280 * 1024, 8 bit, 1408 * 1024, 8 bit, 1600 * 1200, 8 bit, 1800 * 1440, 8 bit, 320 * 200, 16 bit, 320 * 240, 16 bit, 400 * 300, 16 bit, 480 * 360, 16 bit, 512 * 384, 16 bit, 640 * 400, 16 bit, 640 * 480, 16 bit, 800 * 600, 16 bit, 960 * 720, 16 bit, 1024 * 768, 16 bit, 1152 * 864, 16 bit, 1280 * 960, 16 bit, 1280 * 1024, 16 bit, 1408 * 1024, 16 bit,

1600 * 1200, 16 bit, 1800 * 1440, 16 bit, 320 * 200, 32 bit, 320 * 240, 32 bit, 400 * 300, 32 bit, 480 * 360, 32 bit, 512 * 384, 32 bit, 640 * 400, 32 bit, 640 * 480, 32 bit, 800 * 600, 32 bit, 960 * 720, 32 bit, 1024 * 768, 32 bit, 1152 * 864, 32 bit, 1280 * 960, 32 bit, 1280 * 1024, 32 bit, 1408 * 1024, 32 bit, 1600 * 1200, 32 bit, 1800 * 1440, 32 bit


3DMark Result:  4600くらい    3D marks